Relationship Class:
This course helps men who are seeking clarity and understanding about their relationships with women
This class spun off Jay’s successful life mastery classes in order to allow men an opportunity to learn about the nature of the female psyche and how best to relate to it in an atmosphere in which women are not present and in defense. The class helps men who are seeking clarity and understanding about their relationships with women, whether they are currently in relationship or not. In providing relationship help and smarts, the class also allows men to gain a better understanding of their own reactions around women, and it teaches skills for changing the nature of and improving men and women relationships.
The class is useful for those in relationships now or seeking relationships – and it applies to dealing with other females in your family as well as women you encounter in business and at work, or anywhere. Men who have taken the class have praised it highly.
Whatever are your and your current or past partners’ particular patterns that don’t serve you or the relationship…these can be understood – and yours can be changed. And you can learn to influence greatly for the better the negative patterns of your partners.
The first part of the class deals with the nature of the male-female situation and psyche. The second part deals with changing it.