Elevate Your Business or Organization
Businesses seek me out as as a consultant and sometimes as a board member.
They work with me because I bring to bear a wealth of experience, a multitude of creative solutions, people skills, and just plain savvy wedded to an ability to see the bigger picture, the opportunities available, and the means to achieve them. Currently I assist 10 CEOs and business owners.
A closer look:
I facilitate a group of business leaders and we collectively touch on most every organizational reality you can name, including meeting the needs and unfilled training opportunities of your staff that might be blocking cohesive and productive performance. That and much else comes into our forward-looking solutions and proposals. We collectively focus on the specific needs and context of each participant’s organization. We help you and your enterprise perform at peak.
Separately, if needed, I coach members on most every element of organizational or business success, including guidance on leadership skills so that you are not reacting emotionally or creating dramas and missed opportunities. I assist leaders to become first-rate people-oriented managers
My skills include both innovative and traditional revenue generation, and exemplary and exciting marketing content development.
I am a highly creative problem-solver and teacher of problem-solving and decision-making methods. I’m also skilled at inducing innovative states of mind in others.
I’m highly knowledgeable about the interface of business with media, culture, religion, psychology, human development, and with political and social issues.
To discuss by phone or Zoom, email or call 310-628-7761
Basic Private Coaching Rate: $150 per hour
Discounted Rate: Sliding scale within your budget and as my schedule permits
Prepaid Leadership Discount Coaching Package: 10 hours a month for two months – $2,490 (you save $510)
Participation in Collective Problem-Solving Group – Sliding scale